Henry VIII – Audiobook Lissten Free at
This is Shakespeare’s dutiful trubute to one of the most imposing and terrifying rulers in European history. The kingdom trembles as the giant monarch storms through his midlife crisis, disposing of the faithful Katharine of Aragon and starting a new life and, the king hopes, a line of succession with the captivating young Anne Bullen. Unlike his predecessors, Henry has no doubt about the security of his tenure on the throne, and dominates the royal court with absolute authority. The play has a surprising modern flavour: there is even a set of “Royal watchers” – the three gossipy gentlemen! (Summary by Algy Pug)
Anne Bullen: [Arielle Lipshaw](
Archbishop of Cranmer: [Martin Geeson](
Bishop Lincoln: [Dale Burgess](
Brandon: [Algy Pug](
Capucius: [Algy Pug](
Cardinal Campeius: [Lars Rolander](
Cardinal Wolsey: [Bruce Pirie](
Chorus: [Ruth Golding](
Crier: [Ezwa](
Cromwell: [Dale Burgess](
Doctor Butts: [Matthew Reece](
Duke of Buckingham: [Peter Bishop](
Duke of Norfolk: [John Fricker](
Duke of Suffolk: [Elizabeth Klett](
Earl of Surrey: [Tricia G](
First Gentleman: [Readalot](
First Secretary: [Amy Gramour](
Gardiner: [Michael Irskens](
Garter: [Arielle Lipshaw](
Gentleman: [Paul Andrews](
Griffith: [Ric F](
Henry VIII: [Algy Pug](
Keeper: [Paul Andrews](
Lord Abergavenny: [Paul Andrews](
Lord Chamberlain: [Matthew Reece](
Lord Chancellor: [Jason Bortles](
Lord Sands: [Timothy Ferguson](
Man: [David Lawrence](
Messenger: [Arielle Lipshaw](
Old Lady: [rashada](
Page: [Roseanne Schmidt](
Patience: [Ruth Golding](
Porter: [Algy Pug](
Queen Katharine: [Elizabeth Klett](
Scribe: [Arielle Lipshaw](
Second Gentleman: [Amy Gramour](
Sergeant: [Ernst Pattynama](
Servant: [Ana](
Sir Anthony Denny: [Ernst Pattynama](
Sir Henry Guildford: [Martin Geeson](
Sir Nicholas Vaux: [Algy Pug](
Sir Thomas Lovell: [Paul Adams](
Surveyor: [Aimi](
Third Gentleman: Veggrower
Narrator: [Tricia G](
Song performed by Ezwa
**Audio edited by:** Algy Pug