Stories Of Alpine Adventure – Audiobook Lissten Free at
Mont Blanc is the Monarch of the Mountains: They crown’d him long ago
On a throne of rocks, in a robe of clouds, With a diadem of snow. (Byron)
In the following pages will be found a number of incidents of Alpine Adventure, its delights, difficulties, and dangers. As in other volumes of this series, no attempt has been made at historical or consecutive narrative – the object being simply to present a series of pictures of some of the most remarkable scenes which have taken place in the “Playground of Europe”. (Preface by Frank Mundell)
Stories of Alpine Adventure was one in a series of inspirational texts and ‘heroic writings of daring deeds’ by the Victorian author Frank Mundell and published by The Sunday School Union. Frank Mundell wrote a significant number of books for children (both boys and girls) and young adults and many of these were distributed and presented to them through their Sunday schools. – Summary by Steve C